Once you have been approved for a Line of Credit, your limit will be available in your SellersFi Dashboard:
1. Go to the Line of Credit page
2. Scroll the term bar to select your payments terms (between 3-24 months)
3. Select the amount you wish to withdraw (up to your available limit)
4. Review your repayment schedule on the screen.
Funds will be available within 1-2 business days. For further questions on timing, you can contact us at amazonus@sellersfi.com.
If your business has been approved for a Line of Credit of $450,000 and you have an upcoming supplier shipment that needs to be paid for you could:
1.Today - Withdraw $50,000; to be used for the initial down payment of your goods.
2. 30 days later - Withdraw $50,000;
$40,000 for the payment of the remaining goods.
$10,000 for the inspection and shipping of those goods.
In the above example, you would have made two separate withdrawals, which act as separate loans, and have the potential to qualify for up to 180 days of interest-only payments at the beginning of each withdrawal term.
Remember, you make as many withdrawals as needed up to your approved limit.
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